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Bobby Burton

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About Bobby Burton

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Sophomore (3/9)

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  1. Attended Texas QB camp where Steve Sarkisian offered him a scholarship. Lacey committed two weeks later.
  2. As of Saturday morning, yes. I do not have newer info, however.
  3. Thanks for the kind words. We'll keep working!
  4. Glad you like it. We'll try to keep improving it day by day.
  5. A YouTube or Google account, either one, will work.
  6. Love this list, CJ, and the info. Thanks for putting it together for everyone.
  7. Will check. They’ve added some minor assistant roles.
  8. Would be a great hire as well IMO.
  9. Jeff, yes, we wrote about this yesterday and posted a video companion to it. Here's a quick link to the news feed from OnTexasFootball.com. https://ontexasfootball.com/news/ Lance also joined us on last night's Livestream to discuss his commitment to Texas.
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